ow my fuckin head hurts why did he do that.
why did you even let a shady guy like that into my house dumbass.
it's not even your fuckin house, you really gotta clear these things with me.
who gives a shit lol, don't take things for granted.
if you want something to be yours you gotta put in the effort to keep it.
ha, i'd like to see you try.
oh my god stop talking you sound like all british people ever.
which part of stop talking did you not understand?
no it's more like gravity like i'm gonna flip my gravity and land back in mashupville.
of course I can, it's right... uh.
... it's... i'll figure it out as we go. just hop on, N.
yeah this aint my fuckin house.

thank fuck that was easy let's just dump him outside.

fucks sake im never letting anyone in my house again.


why did you even let a shady guy like that into my house dumbass.
i'll figure it out as we go.
just hop on, N.
why did you even let a shady guy like that into my house dumbass.
i'll figure it out as we go.
just hop on, N.

not now N, ive got hella work to do and shit to catch up on
in a bit, i'm still vipping
that's just my epic gamer smell, now get tf out of here you're distracting me
tell them to fuck off or whatever i'm-
i'm on a quest for god you dumbfuck, cant stop the grind
ugh fine
but only because i'm hungry and need an excuse to get up to get some food
yo whats your business nerd
are you... fucking asking me to shill your internet meme shit-coin on my channel? what? who the fuck do you think you are, waltzing into MY house and forcing ME to step away from my god damn divine duty to make vips just for you to ask me to give you dopey ass shoutouts to your scam of a shit-coin?
shut the up
you mean that bitch who cant even make good cars? Lol
god you're boring me with this shit, get outta my house and go find some other channel to leech off of
says fuckin' who
oh what the fuck. it's not even been two months man why's this already happening again
ok but this time i'm an innocent man, you're the one who pissed him off with the dumbass chart

yeah that's what i thought now go away
alright, listen up good cus i'm not fucking repeating myself.
number two.
get the fuck off of my property and leave me alone.
i rip alone.
i upload everything.
i don't want, or need, any of you.
if you still have shit to say come back tomorrow and ask N.

yeah these new 2021 memes are weird as shit how does anyone rip with these
what the fuck this clock is useless as shit
can you say that in normal
shut your ass
have aliens invaded yet?
just tell whoever's trying to takeover to fuck off
oh god not this shit again, tell those fuckers i won that crown fair and square
fine, if you wanna be a whiny bitch about it
oh man you weren't kidding about the everyone thing
what in the god damn are all these people doing at my house??
but why the fuck are there so many people here, what was my entrance that cool or something
bro im just some youtuber lol
huh? i am?
yeah i agree with her
wait why is she here
you... Little... BITCH.
why the fuck is she still alive?
you know what you can fuck off nico, i don't have time for this
no no no there is no fucking way im talking to that unfunny piece of shit ever again
they can all fuck off too.
Listen here you little shit. I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Ripper Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Nutshack, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire high quality armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target.
yeah that's what i thought now go away
people really care that much huh?
well i'm not a fucking hero lol.
and no matter how awesome my rips are, i don't owe anyone anything.
oh wow, thank you.
wow okay what the fuck was that you bitch
everyone shut the fuck up.
alright, listen up good cus i’m not fucking repeating myself.
number one. i’m not a hero or whatever the hell you all keep going off about.
don't know what i supposedly did to make you all idolize me here but cut it out, it pisses me off.
number two. get the fuck off of my property and leave me alone.
i rip alone.
i upload everything.
i don’t want, or need, any of you.
number three, i'll leave some answers on my community page, if your question isnt on there then it was probably stupid anyway so go fuck youself.
Now get the hell out of here.
if you still have shit to say come back tomorrow and ask N.
i think i handled it pretty well lol, i just told everybody to check my community tab and ask you if they have more dumbass questions
because NnnnnaNnnnnnr, im on a god-given mission to make shitposts. In fact, i better get back to that. no more distractions. it’s time to vip.